the album is dead, long live the album

Just enjoyed listening the new Röyksopp album as a whole. The album concept was declared dead ever so much during the last decade but I hope we will see more music releases like this again.


  1. It is odd that newer generations (I’m 54) do not embrace the concept of “album” yet bands are gravitating more and more towards it even indirectly as is the case of Nerve, Earthless or several bands in the Stoner/Doom genres.
    But I could be biased as my band does long (45 mins on average) improvised jams which are then released as “albums” in bandcamp and are enjoyed by many.

  2. heavymetalmixer says:

    As metalhead since the early 2000s I discoverd a whole new world in that “metagenre”, and with it, how awesome albums are. Whether all the songs in the album follow a sequence/story/journey or it’s just a compilation, more people should keep making albums.

  3. I still listen to albums and enjoy it. We cannot allow the industry (spotify, etc) to tell us what and how to listen to an artist. Musicians should not stop releasing albums!!

  4. Inadream says:

    If you think the album concept is dead I would invite you to listen to my upcoming album release!

  5. Pop album is dead but say 12k releasing only albums recently and they are good

  6. Damien says:

    An album is just a complexe song.

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