What will be the next plugin release from “Variety Of Sound”?

I just asked this to ChatGPT and here is the answer:

As an AI language model, I don’t have access to real-time information about upcoming releases from specific companies or developers. However, it’s worth noting that “Variety Of Sound” is a well-known developer of high-quality audio plugins, with a particular focus on analog-style signal processing.

In the past, “Variety Of Sound” has released a range of plugins, including EQs, compressors, tape saturation emulators, and more. These plugins are known for their attention to detail, their intuitive interfaces, and their ability to add warmth and character to digital audio signals.

While I don’t have information about any specific upcoming releases from “Variety Of Sound”, it’s possible that they may continue to expand their range of analog-style plugins, or explore new areas of audio processing. As with any developer, it’s likely that they will release new products based on their own interests and expertise, as well as feedback and requests from their user base.

So, what about “feedback and requests” from your side?