good question


  1. Olaf Tryggvasson says:

    Most of them are – and certainly the vast majority of the popular ones – that’s what baffles me, the inability of most of the public to see it. Cause you can see it. The language is always deceitful, skirting around subjects, an artificial tone, usually repeating talking points instead of making personal analyses. Many times they have this almost corporate, marketing language, and they adopt it without even having to, they do it freely – for instance like when disguise the cons of something like qualities, but in a different referential, or from a different perspective than the one they used to speak about the pros. And they’re cheap, too – I mean the amount of soul twisting and bending that you can do for a plugin license or a free cheap interface…

    But it serves people right. When you’ve got “influencers”… There’s something wrong with the very notion, if we’re talking about a world where people should think with their own minds.

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