NastyDLA – some tape delay fun

To make up a complete and sustaining sequence out of  some melodic pattern is a standard task for the electronic musician. The good old tape delay is his best friend then, providing not only consistent and sustainable echos which are glueing nicely with the original signal but also offering some realtime modulation possibilities as well, to animate some maybe rather static sources.

In this short demo a static pattern is used and NastyDLA is going to be in charge as a tape delay replacement. The chorus is not used in this example but the plug-ins coloring possibilities are shown to some extend: After some bars the timbre of the delay feedback loop changes to a higher pitch and then to a lower one (and vice versa) while simultaneously the feedback amounts are going to change. To the end when the pattern stops, the “tape speed” is slowed down first and accelerated back again afterwards to demonstrate its artifact-free modulation capabilities.

Note how smooth the saturation behaves when driven into self oscillation w/o the usual amount of aliasing artifacts. The delay line generation in this example is set to “dual mono” mode (with 8th to the left and dotted 8th to the right) and the time modulations can be done separate per channel. All animations were done in realtime with host automation and in general all plug-in parameters can be automated in the host.


  1. Cool! Can’t wait until you release this 😀

    • When your email popped up in my inbox, my heart skipped a beat – I thought you’d actually released it! There’s an army of fans out here on tenterhooks, hehe.

      On second thoughts, maybe ‘Sublime’ better describes it rather than ‘Cool’ 😀

  2. That’s way beyond cool.

  3. Amazing! I can’t wait for NastyDLA to be release. I current have nothing like it in my vst tool kit.

  4. I got some tape delays in my plug-in folders. I can honestly say that no one of them reaches that quality. Nice work!

  5. That’s just amazing! Can’t wait for the release!


  6. Most excellent sounding.
    Probably great for some Frippertronics.
    I still can’t believe your FX are freeware!
    I use them all the time all over the place 😀
    Thanks for your time and efforts.

  7. Wow, also can’t wait for the release, this is such a tease, haha.

  8. Impressed by the saturation, very pleasing to ears.

  9. C`mon man, thats torture. Unleash this beast !!! 😉

  10. Uber coolness on the horizon!

  11. sh…t
    that sounds great
    it will shine in the reggae/dub tracks


  12. Fuck..evertime i just thought i completely quitted on biting my nails you release another teaser post here. Indeed, these are Nasty plugins..

  13. Sounds great!

  14. Agree with pretty much everyone, this one sounds like a keeper.

  15. Hey that takes me back to DW Hunt (Wavestar) and ’82-’83…..please may I hav eone…??? :O) Drool…..(Dave used to do all the sequences/tape FX with a self-modified Revox etc…..abd this is spot-on…well done…let me know…trust it’s a VST plug-in? Best regards to all JD and Co, Soddett Hall Music xx

  16. Ben Logan says:

    Looking forward to it. Love your stuff, Bootsie. Is Patrick doing the GUI this time? You guys are a super team. Dynamic Duo!

    I have a bunch of vst delays, but this one sounds special. Thanks for bringing something special to the table. 🙂

  17. Hm,I’m not convinced yet, the self oscillation sounds quite weak and the saturation a wee bit sterile.

    The good benchmarks for this new plugin will be the usual suspects (Echoboy,GSi 201,UAD 201,Dubstation).

    I’ll reserve opinions until the DLA does battle with those guys.

    ps. Hurry up and drop that bloody ‘Synthmaker’ program. Theres plenty of C++ frameworks out there now so you REALLY need to move on.

    Good luck.

  18. James Talus says:

    Ive definitely joined the NastyARMY… Amazing plugins! Hope this delay blows me away like the rest of your vst line.

  19. This is my favorite plugin of yours. It trumps commercial delay plugins any day. 🙂


  1. […] NastyDLA – some tape delay fun […]

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